There’s some days when getting out of bed is an accomplishment let alone showering, leaving the house and having actual responsibilities.
It’s no surprise then that going from child to adult has some key milestones – and they’re not connected to age.
We scoured Twitter to fathom out just what the levels were from some super proud grown-ups who are making their way in the world.
I like salad so now I feel like I’ve reached adult level 1
— human bouillon cube (@ArtbyKylieP) November 6, 2017
I've bought a coffee machine and actually set it up the night before. Adult level +1
— Billy Purvis (@mrmonkeytech) July 2, 2017
so yup we're now in a phase where we now apply for internship aka adulting level one
— Idda Garcia (@Idduuuuuuuh) April 11, 2017
I packed a lunch today so I gave myself points that levelled me up to adult level 2 but then I tripped up two separate flights of stairs so im back to level 1 adult life until I learn how stairs work
I made a meal tonight that wasn't chicken, rice and broccoli. It didn't taste like poop. It was actually really good. Adult level: 2
— αleighα didonαto (@_AleighaMarie) July 5, 2017
I think I might have to make…. a schedule…I will evolve into Adult Level 2. Geeeeeezuz
— Cole McCoy (@Cole_McCoy) February 19, 2017
So I figured out how to set up my health insurance and stuff and had an eye exam and ordered new glasses and set up other appointments. Level 3 adulting for sure
I'm an adult so I take vitamins but only the gummi vitamins because I'm only like a level 3 adult. #Adulting
— Jacqueline D (@paperbackninja) September 19, 2017
Bought a houseplant yesterday. I'm unreasonably excited about it too. Now let's see if I can keep it alive. Adulting… level 3.
I made a Google spreadsheet today.
Adulting Level 4: UNLOCKED!!!
— Brent McCluskey – Electrified Reviews (@BrentMcCluskey) August 24, 2017
I've officially reached adulting level 4. I'm waiting for my oil to be changed. People always told me I would do 'big things' in my life
— Sheala Renee (@Sheala_Renee) June 29, 2017
Adulting Level 4: The Wife and I had our gutters cleaned today.
— Gary in Maryland (@Gary_in_MD) August 1, 2016
I’m using my slow cooker for the first time this year and I’ve put some coat hooks and my shelves up in the bedroom, adulting level 5 unlocked
Also just realised that this is the first time I will have to pack up an entire house. Adulting level 5.
I'm level 5 adulting today. I just paid off 1 of my credit cards. And in a week I'll pay off my last 1 and be debt free excluding my car 🙌🙏😅
— Justice Danielle (@whatupjstan) August 1, 2017
I’ve reached level 6 of adulting.. all I want for my birthday is a paper shredder and a few bills paid.
— Lei Lei (@MingLeigh_) October 25, 2017
Writing emails while doing laundry at the laundromat. Adulting level 6 complete.
Got home at 10, showered, ate, prepared my bag and lunch for tomorrow and in bed before 11.
— Black Eliza Thornberry (@Doubledeedsters) July 12, 2016
We just ordered a king-sized bed from @SearsCA. Adulting Level 7 achieved. 🙌🏻
— Keira Morgan (@keiraanne) March 26, 2017
I passed Adulting, Level 7: I pan cooked a steak without setting off the fire alarm once.
— Grad School Problems (@GSASproblems) February 2, 2017
Adulting level 7: I ate kale and went to the dentist…
— Marley Ransom (@marleyransom) December 15, 2015
I get really excited about turning on my humidifier every night.#Adulting level 8.
— Emily Schulzetenberg (@EmilyJosy17) December 7, 2015
They should start with something easier. Folding fitted sheets is Level 8 adulting.
— Kyle E. Johnson (@kyleejohnson) February 24, 2017
Hit level 8 of adulting tonight when I cooked chicken and didn't have to cut it open to make sure it was done
— Rebekah King (@rebekaheking) January 4, 2017
I feel like my level of "adulting" went from a 3 to a 9 today.
I'm hosting Easter dinner and brining the turkey. #whoami
— Jorey R Tessier (@joreytessier) March 23, 2016
Sorted health insurance today. Feel like I'm adulting level 9. (Mortgage is level 10 obvz)
— Eimear Reilly (@eimear_reilly) January 24, 2018
Adulting level 9 unlocked: being eager to go to the dentist! (Take that, wisdom tooth!)
— M H Johnsen (@Johnsen_MH) November 6, 2017
So tomorrow I pick up the keys to my new house. Adulting level +10
— Matt (@Mat_leatherland) December 7, 2017
I'm over here researching the best duvet to by, and low-key enjoying. I'm adulting so hard rn. #adultinglevel10
— Rosie.✘© (@CourtiferRose) November 13, 2017
Just realized how much I've grown up. Got cash back at CVS so I had money to tip at car wash. Adulting level 10/10.
— Ellen Plummer (@EllenPlummer4) September 16, 2017
And it doesn’t stop there…
Adulthood level 72: put 8 pairs of socks in washer/dryer and 8 pairs came out #adulthood #adulthoodachievements #adulting #socks #level72
— Magz Heat (@frogsnbooks) October 22, 2017
Just paid the real property taxes on my house. Adulting level 999 yeaaaah.
— Carla Carmela Villanueva (@staircasewit4) January 17, 2018
Drove an appliance to a recycling center and received $4
Adulting level 100000: appreciating how amazing the washing machine works and doing 6 loads because you are really in the mood to clean.
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