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SYRACUSE, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE )--JADAK, a business unit of Novanta Corporation, is exhibiting at CMEF from May 15-18 in Shanghai, China, in the IVD area in hall 3, booth B21.
JADAK will be demonstrating how high-end Machine Vision Technology Solutions can supp
Isolator systems are becoming increasingly important to the pharmaceutical industry. The improvement in product quality, the reduction of operating costs and the capability of longer production runs are significant advantages in comparison to conventional clean room production.
Complex f
Designed using technology from our fresh portfolio, as well as our traditional sustainably sourced paperboard, the Pure-Pak eSense carton is aluminum-free and instead made with a polyolefin blend barrier. This results in up to 50% lower carbon footprint than a standard Pure-Pak aseptic carton
August 27, 2022 • By Jeannine Burgdorf
All the Living and the Dead: From Embalmers to Executioners, an Exploration of the People Who Have Made Death Their Life’s Work
Corpse Capitalism: On John Troyer’s “Technologies of the Human Corpse”
A curiously op
Back in May of 2018, I remember briefly asking Junichi Masuda, then of Pokémon developer Game Freak (and now chief creative officer at the Pokémon Company), whether Pokémon might one day follow the likes of Zelda and Mario into some kind of open-world format. At the time
When our two sons were little, attending the Annual Steam Threshing Jamboree at Prairie Village, in Madison, South Dakota, was a yearly late summer ritual.
There was something for everyone at the Jamboree. The boys liked the workhorses and the hit-and-miss engines, and my wife enjoy
Phoenix's independent source of local news and culture
Curaleaf Raising Funds to Fight Food Insecurity in Phoenix
Former NFL Players to Huddle at The Mint
Four Steps to Make Cannabis Oil at Home
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Tom Hoopes - published on 08/29/22
Is God hiding? A friend who is doubting her faith thinks so.
“Why does God hide from us?” she asks. “If knowing and loving him is the whole point of life, why doesn’t he just introduce himself? Why give us a test to see if we will follow